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516.6,114.6 521.7,114.6 521.7,105.1 516.6,105.1 \t\"/>\n\u003Cpolygon class=\"st0\" points=\"521.7,105.1 526.8,105.1 526.8,114.6 531.9,114.6 531.9,105.1 531.9,95.6 526.8,95.6 521.7,95.6 \t\"/>\n\u003Cpolygon class=\"st0\" points=\"470.7,114.6 470.7,124.1 475.8,124.1 480.9,124.1 480.9,114.6 486,114.6 486,105.1 480.9,105.1 \n\t\t475.8,105.1 475.8,95.6 470.7,95.6 470.7,105.1 465.6,105.1 465.6,114.6 \t\"/>\n\u003Cpolygon class=\"st0\" points=\"496.2,114.6 501.3,114.6 501.3,123.8 506.4,123.8 506.4,114.3 501.3,114.3 501.3,105.1 496.2,105.1 \t\n\t\t\"/>\n\u003Crect x=\"465.6\" y=\"124.1\" class=\"st0\" width=\"5.1\" height=\"9.5\"/>\n\u003Cpolygon class=\"st0\" points=\"486,133.5 486,143 491.1,143 491.1,133.5 491.1,124.1 486,124.1 480.9,124.1 475.8,124.1 475.8,133.5 \n\t\t480.9,133.5 \t\"/>\n\u003Crect x=\"526.8\" y=\"124.1\" class=\"st0\" width=\"5.1\" height=\"9.5\"/>\n\u003Crect x=\"496.2\" y=\"133.5\" class=\"st0\" width=\"5.1\" height=\"9.5\"/>\n\u003Crect x=\"480.9\" y=\"143\" 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class=\"st0\" width=\"1.3\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"189.1\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"2.2\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"215.4\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"1.3\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"220.9\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"2.2\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"167.2\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"1.3\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"142.2\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"4.4\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"104.1\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"2.2\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"94.2\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"3.1\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"426.3\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"4.5\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"241.8\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"2.2\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"252.7\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"2.2\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"278.8\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"4\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"293.9\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"4\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"287.2\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"2.2\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"262.5\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"0.9\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"306.1\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"0.9\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"313.6\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"0.9\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"351.7\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"0.9\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"367.9\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"2.2\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"227.3\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"4.5\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"472\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"4.5\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"507.4\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"4.5\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"497\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"4.5\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"523.6\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"1.3\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"530.7\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"1.3\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"537.8\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"4.5\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"552.9\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"2.2\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"571\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"2.2\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"603.7\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"4.5\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"586.1\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"8\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"674.7\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"4.5\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"725.1\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"8\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"636.7\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"2.2\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"658.2\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"1.3\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"647.7\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"1.3\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"699.2\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"1.3\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"719.8\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"1.3\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"737.5\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"1.3\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"710.7\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"2.2\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"688.7\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"1.3\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"625.6\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"2.2\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"615.8\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"3.1\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"763.3\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"2.2\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"774.2\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"2.2\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"800.4\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"4\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"813.4\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"8\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"792.3\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"2.2\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"784\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"0.9\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"744.1\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"0.9\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"827.6\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"0.9\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"835.1\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"0.9\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003Cg>\n\u003Crect x=\"748.8\" y=\"7.9\" class=\"st0\" width=\"4.5\" height=\"33.8\"/>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003C/g>\n\u003C/svg>\n",[],{"id":7479,"name":9715,"names":12064,"words":12091,"quotes":12150,"texts":12166,"rightToLeft":7},[12065,12066,12067,12068,12069,12070,12071,12072,12073,12074,12075,12076,12077,12078,12079,12080,12081,12082,12083,12084,12085,12086,12087,12088,12089,12090],"ABR","ABI","SPI","CAK","ALB","OAJ","ABQ","JFK","AVL","ACY","AUS","CPX","BIL","BHM","LEX","BUF","CHS","CHO","MDW","ORD","LUK","CLE","DAL","HNL","DEN","DRO",[12092,12093,12094,12095,12096,12097,12098,12099,12100,12101,12102,12103,12104,12105,12106,12107,12108,12109,12110,12111,12112,12113,12114,12115,12116,12117,12118,12119,12120,12121,12122,12123,12124,12125,12126,12127,12128,12129,12130,12131,12132,12133,12134,12135,12136,12137,12138,12139,12140,12141,12142,12143,12144,12145,12146,12147,12148,12149],"Brussels","Roma","Copenaghen","Paris","New York","Berlin","Dublin","Amsterdam","Lisbon","Oslo","Madrid","Barcelona","Valencia","Zürich","Bern","Genève","Hamburg","Los Angeles","Tokyo","Beijing","Sydney","Brisbane","Stockholm","Budapest","Bucarest","Dakar","Maputo","Nairobi","Mombasa","Kabul","Buenos Aires","Baku","La Paz","Sarajevo","Ottawa","Toronto","Washington","Chicago","Philadelphia","Dallas","Las Vegas","Prague","Quito","Tallinn","Tbilisi","Athens","Honolulu","Reykjavik","New Delhi","Seoul","Jakarta","Tel Aviv","Mexico City","Santiago","Kathmandu","Moscow","Milano","Palermo",[12151,12152,12153,12154,12155,12156,12157,12158,12159,12160,12161,12162,12163,12164,12165],"J.F. Kennedy","Atatürk","Haneda","Heathrow","Schiphol","Schönefeld","La Guardia","Malpensa","El Prat","Charles de Gaulle","McCarran","Tegel","Linate","Gatwick","Luton",[12167,12168,12169,12170,12171,12172,12173,12174],"The terms aerodrome, airfield, and airstrip may also be used to refer to airports, and the terms heliport, seaplane base, and STOLport refer to airports dedicated exclusively to helicopters, seaplanes, or short take-off and landing aircraft.\n\nIn colloquial use in certain environments, the terms airport and aerodrome are often interchanged. However, in general, the term airport may imply or confer a certain stature upon the aviation facility that other aerodromes may not have achieved. In some jurisdictions, airport is a legal term of art reserved exclusively for those aerodromes certified or licensed as airports by the relevant national aviation authority after meeting specified certification criteria or regulatory requirements.\n\nThat is to say, all airports are aerodromes, but not all aerodromes are airports. In jurisdictions where there is no legal distinction between aerodrome and airport, which term to use in the name of an aerodrome may be a commercial decision. In United States technical/legal usage, landing area is used instead of aerodrome, and airport means \"a landing area used regularly by aircraft for receiving or discharging passengers or cargo\".\n\nSmaller or less-developed airfields, which represent the vast majority, often have a single runway shorter than 1,000 m (3,300 ft). Larger airports for airline flights generally have paved runways of 2,000 m (6,600 ft) or longer. Skyline Airport in Inkom, Idaho has a runway that is only 122 m (400 ft) long.\n\nIn the United States, the minimum dimensions for dry, hard landing fields are defined by the FAR Landing And Takeoff Field Lengths. These include considerations for safety margins during landing and takeoff.\n\nThe longest public-use runway in the world is at Qamdo Bamda Airport in China. It has a length of 5,500 m (18,045 ft). The world's widest paved runway is at Ulyanovsk Vostochny Airport in Russia and is 105 m (344 ft) wide.\n\nAs of 2009, the CIA stated that there were approximately 44,000 \"... airports or airfields recognizable from the air\" around the world, including 15,095 in the US, the US having the most in the world.\n\nMost of the world's large airports are owned by local, regional, or national government bodies who then lease the airport to private corporations who oversee the airport's operation. For example, in the United Kingdom the state-owned British Airports Authority originally operated eight of the nation's major commercial airports – it was subsequently privatized in the late 1980s, and following its takeover by the Spanish Ferrovial consortium in 2006, has been further divested and downsized to operating just Heathrow now. Germany's Frankfurt Airport is managed by the quasi-private firm Fraport. While in India GMR Group operates, through joint ventures, Indira Gandhi International Airport and Rajiv Gandhi International Airport. Bengaluru International Airport and Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport are controlled by GVK Group. The rest of India's airports are managed by the Airports Authority of India. In Pakistan nearly all civilian airports are owned and operated by the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority except for Sialkot International Airport which has the distinction of being the first privately owned public airport in Pakistan and South Asia.\n\nIn the United States, commercial airports are generally operated directly by government entities or government-created airport authorities (also known as port authorities), such as the Los Angeles World Airports authority that oversees several airports in the Greater Los Angeles area, including Los Angeles International Airport.\n\nIn Canada, the federal authority, Transport Canada, divested itself of all but the remotest airports in 1999/2000. Now most airports in Canada are owned and operated by individual legal authorities or are municipally owned.\n\nMany U.S. airports still lease part or all of their facilities to outside firms, who operate functions such as retail management and parking. In the U.S., all commercial airport runways are certified by the FAA under the Code of Federal Regulations Title 14 Part 139, \"Certification of Commercial Service Airports\" but maintained by the local airport under the regulatory authority of the FAA.\n\nDespite the reluctance to privatize airports in the US (despite the FAA sponsoring a privatization program since 1996), the government-owned, contractor-operated (GOCO) arrangement is the standard for the operation of commercial airports in the rest of the world.","L'aéroport de Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, communément appelé « aéroport de Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle » ou « aéroport de Roissy », est un aéroport français situé à 23 km au nord-est de Paris, premier aéroport national par son importance. Il tient son nom « grand public » de la commune de Roissy-en-France, dont il occupe plus de la moitié du territoire, ainsi que du général Charles de Gaulle, qui est président de la République française de 1959 à 1969. L'aéroport, ses aérogares et ses pistes sont réparties entre les départements du Val-d'Oise, de la Seine-Saint-Denis et de Seine-et-Marne.\n\nConstatant une croissance rapide du transport aérien de passagers, les pouvoirs publics ont entrepris en 1962 d'identifier de vastes terrains suffisamment éloignés de l'agglomération et susceptibles d'accueillir de nouvelles infrastructures aéroportuaires devant la saturation annoncée de l'aéroport de Paris-Orly et de l'aéroport de Paris-Le Bourget, qui avaient été créés à l'époque de la Première Guerre mondiale. Les perspectives d'évolution du trafic prévoyaient à cette époque un doublement du trafic tous les cinq ans, soit douze millions de passagers à l'échéance 1975-1980.\n\nUn arrêté interministériel du 16 juin 1964 décide la création de l'aéroport « Paris Nord » sur une large zone agricole du Pays de France, à vingt-cinq kilomètres au nord-est de Paris. Cette zone offre de multiples avantages : les destructions à prévoir sont très limitées vu la taille de l'emprise (une seule grosse ferme), et elle permet de réaliser des extensions une fois arrivé à saturation. Une cinquième piste transversale a ainsi été intégrée dans le plan de masse de Paris-CDG à la fin des années 1960. Du 10 juillet au 10 août de la même année a lieu l'enquête d'utilité publique ; la commission d'enquête émet un avis favorable le 30 octobre. L'aéroport occupera une surface de 915 ha prise sur le territoire de sept communes.\n\nLa municipalité de Roissy-en-France et les autres villages directement concernés tentent alors vainement de lutter contre la création de cet aéroport qui apportait déjà dès le début des travaux son lot de nuisances avec l'arrivée des engins de chantier et les importantes dégradations engendrées aux rues du village de Roissy (camions, boue, canalisations détruites…). Les agriculteurs, quant à eux, protestèrent au début mais, comprenant rapidement que l'édification de l'aéroport était inéluctable, négocièrent les meilleurs dédommagements financiers possibles afin de se reconvertir sur place ou de racheter des terres agricoles ailleurs.\n\nEn parallèle, une importante polémique se développe dans le nouveau département du Val-d'Oise voyant s'affronter les « anti » et « pro-aéroport », les uns déplorant les nuisances apportées, les autres répondant développement économique et progrès. De 1969 — année des dernières expropriations — à 1972, la rumeur du projet et le flou des informations font grandir la contestation locale puis départementale. L'ampleur du phénomène conduit le gouvernement à tenter d'enrayer la polémique en arrêtant clairement en mars 1972 trois zones de nuisances : « A (cinq communes et dix-mille habitants), toute construction interdite ; B (soixante-mille habitants), construction autorisée pour les bâtiments utilitaires ; C (cent-quatre-vingt-mille habitants), extension des agglomérations limitée au maximum ».\n\nMais loin de calmer les esprits, la contestation grandit et devenait nationale, les médias se répartissant entre « pro » et « anti », souvent en fonction de leur appartenance politique. Le plus grand reproche fait à l'État par les habitants et élus locaux fut le manque de transparence et l'absence d'information. Ainsi au début des années 1970, l'administration imposait des contraintes architecturales strictes au nom de la préservation du site et laissait se vendre des terrains à bâtir… pour refuser ensuite les permis de construire alors que la construction de l'aéroport était déjà prévue depuis une dizaine d'années. Le nouvel aéroport est finalement inauguré le 8 mars 1974, après dix ans de travaux, par le Premier ministre Pierre Messmer. Les premiers passagers atterrissent le 13 mars 1974.\n\nLe 25 juillet 2000, le vol 4590 Air France effectué par un Concorde, prend feu au décollage et s'écrase peu de temps après sur un hôtel de la commune de Gonesse, faisant 113 victimes. Un mémorial Concorde en hommage aux victimes a été inauguré par le PDG d'Air France le 25 juillet 2006 au sud de l'aéroport non loin de la zone de fret.\n\nJusqu'à février 2018, le directeur de l'aéroport est Franck Goldnadel qui a succédé, le 1er mars 2011, à Patrice Hardel.\n\nLe 8 mars 2014, à l'occasion des quarante ans de l'aéroport, un dossier de présentation a été établi par Aéroports de Paris comprenant, entre autres, les dates-clés et les caractéristiques de cette plate-forme aéroportuaire.\n\nLe 16 avril 2016, la société Aéroports de Paris annonce son plan stratégique Connect 2020 qui prévoit la création de deux nouvelles marques pour exploiter les activités du groupe : les aéroports parisiens (Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, Paris-Orly et Paris-Le Bourget) sont regroupés sous la marque Paris Aéroport, et toutes les autres filiales de la société Aéroports de Paris sont réunies sous la marque Groupe ADP.\n\nDepuis février 2018, Marc Houalla est le directeur de l'aéroport.","Der Flughafen Berlin-Schönefeld liegt in Schönefeld (Landkreis Dahme-Spreewald, Brandenburg) und ist rund 22 Kilometer vom Berliner Stadtkern entfernt, der sich in nordwestlicher Richtung befindet; ein Teil der nicht mehr benutzten Nordbahn erstreckte sich außerdem auf das Stadtgebiet Berlins. Der Flughafen liegt 48 Meter über Normalnull und ist mit einem Gelände von 620 Hektar der flächenmäßig größte Flughafen der Region. Er ist über den Bahnhof Berlin-Schönefeld Flughafen an den Schienenverkehr angebunden. Es halten dort Regional- und S-Bahnen (S45, S9). Zweimal pro Stunde verkehrt der \"Airport Express\" mit den Linien RE7 und RB14 zum Berliner Hauptbahnhof über den Ostbahnhof sowie die RB22 nach Potsdam. Der Flughafen ist auch mit verschiedenen Buslinien zu erreichen. Mit dem Auto gelangt man über die A 113 zum Flughafen. Taxistände befinden sich vor dem Eingangsbereich des Terminals A.\n\nAm 15. Oktober 1934 begann der Bau der Henschel Flugzeug-Werke (HFW) in Schönefeld, die bis zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs über 14.000 Flugzeuge bauten. Hierfür wurden drei je 800 Meter lange Start- und Landebahnen aus Beton errichtet. Während der Schlacht um Berlin wurden die HFW am 22. April 1945 von sowjetischen Truppen besetzt. Nachdem die sowjetische Besatzungsmacht die Betriebsanlagen für den Flugzeugbau entweder demontiert und abtransportiert oder gesprengt hatte, wurden auf dem Gelände bis 1947 Eisenbahnen repariert sowie Landmaschinen gebaut und instand gesetzt.\n\nIm Jahr 1946 zogen die sowjetischen Luftstreitkräfte von Johannisthal nach Schönefeld um; Aeroflot nahm im selben Jahr den Flugbetrieb auf. 1947 ordnete die Sowjetische Militäradministration in Deutschland im SMAD-Befehl Nummer 93 den Aufbau eines zivilen Flughafens in Schönefeld an. Nach der Beendigung des ursprünglichen Baus wurde der Flughafen bis zur politischen Wende 1990 mehrmals ausgebaut. Dadurch wurde er zum Zentralflughafen der DDR; eingeplant war eine Kapazität von langfristig 18 Millionen Passagieren pro Jahr. Er wurde zu einem sogenannten \"Jugendobjekt\" erklärt, was die Bedeutung für die DDR unterstrich.\n\nDurch die Lage außerhalb der Stadtgrenzen Berlins konnten in Schönefeld (anders als in Tegel und Tempelhof) trotz der besonderen Stellung im Zusammenhang mit dem Viermächtestatus Berlins nicht nur alliierte Fluggesellschaften, sondern auch solche aus sämtlichen Staaten der Welt uneingeschränkt starten und landen. „Sämtliche Staaten“ umfasst auch DDR-Fluglinien wie die Interflug oder vor ihrer Auflösung 1963 die Deutsche Lufthansa der DDR. Rein rechtlich hätten sogar westdeutsche Fluggesellschaften wie die Lufthansa Schönefeld anfliegen können, was aber angesichts des Kalten Krieges aus ideologischen Gründen nicht erfolgte. Lediglich das östliche Ende der (wegen der Autobahn heute nicht mehr existierenden) Startbahn Nord ragte ein Stück nach Bohnsdorf hinein, sodass ein östlicher Anflug (bzw. Start in Richtung Osten) auf dieser Startbahn teilweise über Ost-Berliner Stadtgebiet erfolgen musste, was zwar für nicht-alliierte Fluggesellschaften strenggenommen nicht rechtens war, jedoch von den Besatzungsmächten offenbar geduldet wurde.\n\nVon den 1960er Jahren bis zur politischen Wende war der bis in die 1970er Jahre als \"Zentralflughafen Berlin-Schönefeld\" bezeichnete Flughafen auch für die Bevölkerung aus West-Berlin sehr interessant, weil sich von hier aus viele Ziele in Osteuropa, wie beispielsweise Budapest oder Prag, sowie später immer mehr Ziele in Westeuropa (außer in der Bundesrepublik) erreichen ließen, die von den Flughäfen Tempelhof bzw. Tegel aus entweder nicht bedient oder erheblich teurer angeflogen wurden. Da im Flugverkehr des Ostblocks die Abgeltung von Kerosin oft im Rahmen besonderer Handelsbedingungen innerhalb der Staaten untereinander erfolgte, spielten die Betriebskosten für die Interflug nur eine untergeordnete Rolle, sodass sie es sich leisten konnte, die Flugpreise teilweise bis zu 70 % unter das Niveau streckengleicher Flüge von Tegel oder Tempelhof aus zu senken. Als Zubringer eigens für West-Berliner Passagiere gab es auch eine Busverbindung der Ost-Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe, die von 1963 bis 1990 aufrechterhalten wurde; sie führte vom Flughafen zum Hotel Arosa in Charlottenburg (Kurfürstendamm /Ecke Adenauerplatz) und hielt am West-Berliner Messegelände (am dortigen Zentralen Omnibusbahnhof) sowie in Wilmersdorf (Güntzel- /Ecke Uhlandstraße, vor dem seinerzeit dort befindlichen DDR-Reisebüro Helios).\n\nAm 3. Oktober 1959 landete in Berlin-Schönefeld erstmals ein Düsenpassagierflugzeug, eine Caravelle der SAS. Der Flughafen wurde 1961 als Gruppe 1 der ICAO eingestuft.\n\nIm Jahr 1960 beschloss die DDR-Führung einen Generalplan zur Erweiterung zum Zentralflughafen Berlin-Schönefeld. Grundlage der Planung waren die erwarteten Passagierzahlen für die kommenden Jahrzehnte (3,5 Millionen für Schönefeld und rund 14 Millionen für ganz Berlin bis zum Jahr 1980) sowie die Notwendigkeit eines Flughafens, der die Erfordernisse modernen Strahlverkehrs und effizienter Passagierabfertigung erfüllt. Die Planungen sahen die Trennung des Kurz- und Langstreckenverkehrs vor. Nördlich des Bahnhofs sollte ein Abfertigungsgebäude mit zwei Pieren sowie zwei kurzen Pisten entstehen; südlich ein Abfertigungsgebäude mit ebenfalls zwei Pieren und einer oder zwei zusätzlichen Start- und Landebahnen. Die bestehende Bahn sollte auf über vier Kilometer verlängert werden. Darüber hinaus war eine großzügige Anbindung mit S-Bahn-, U-Bahn- und Fernbahnverkehr geplant.","John F. Kennedy International Airport was originally called Idlewild Airport after the Idlewild Beach Golf Course that it displaced. It was built to relieve LaGuardia Field, which had become overcrowded after its 1939 opening. Construction began in 1943, and about US$60 million was initially spent with governmental funding, but only 1,000 acres (400 ha) of the Idlewild Golf Course site were earmarked for use.\n\nIn 1943, the project was renamed Major General Alexander E. Anderson Airport, after a Queens resident who had commanded a Federalized National Guard unit in the southern United States and died in late 1942. In March 1948, the New York City Council changed the name to New York International Airport, Anderson Field, but the common name was \"Idlewild\" until the end of 1963.\n\nThe Port of New York Authority (now the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey) leased the Idlewild property from the City of New York in 1947 and maintains this lease today. The first flight from Idlewild was on July 1, 1948; the opening ceremony was attended by then U.S. President Harry S. Truman. The Port Authority canceled foreign airlines' permits to use LaGuardia, forcing them to move to Idlewild during the next couple of years.\n\nIdlewild opened with six runways and a seventh under construction; runways 1L and 7L were held in reserve and never came into use as runways. Runway 31R (originally 8,000 ft or 2,438 m) is still in use; runway 31L (originally 9,500 ft or 2,896 m) opened soon after the rest of the airport and is still in use; runway 1R closed in 1957 and runway 7R closed around 1966. Runway 4 (originally 8,000 ft, now runway 4L) opened June 1949 and runway 4R was added ten years later. A smaller runway 14/32 was built after runway 7R closed and was used until 1990 by general aviation, STOL, and smaller commuter flights.\n\nThe Avro Jetliner was the first jet airliner to land at Idlewild on April 16, 1950. A Sud Aviation Caravelle prototype was the next airliner to land at Idlewild, on May 2, 1957. Later in 1957, the USSR sought approval for two Tupolev Tu-104 flights carrying diplomats to Idlewild; the Port Authority did not allow them, saying noise tests had to be done first. (The Caravelle had been tested at Paris.) The airport was renamed John F. Kennedy International Airport on December 24, 1963, a month and two days after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy; Mayor Robert F. Wagner, Jr. proposed the renaming to JFK. The IDL and KIDL codes have since been reassigned to Indianola Municipal Airport in Mississippi.\n\nThe Port of New York Authority originally planned a single 55-gate terminal, but the major airlines did not agree with this plan, arguing that the terminal would be far too small for future traffic. Architect Wallace Harrison then designed a plan for each major airline at the airport to be given its own space to develop its own terminal. This scheme made construction more practical, made terminals more navigable, and introduced incentives for airlines to compete with each other for the best design. The revised plan met airline approval in 1955, with seven terminals initially planned. Five terminals were for individual airlines, one was for three airlines, and one was for international arrivals. (National Airlines and British Airways arrived later.) The airport was designed for aircraft up to 300,000-pound (140,000 kg) gross weight The airport had to be modified in the late 1960s to accommodate the Boeing 747's weight.\n\nThe International Arrivals Building, or IAB, was the first new terminal at the airport, opening in December 1957. The building was designed by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill. The terminal stretched nearly 700 meters (2,300 ft) and was parallel to runway 7R. The terminal had \"finger\" piers at right-angles to the main building allowing more aircraft to park, an innovation at the time. The building was expanded in 1970 to accommodate jetways. However, by the 1990s the overcrowded building was showing its age and it did not provide adequate space for security checkpoints. It was demolished in 2000 and replaced with Terminal 4.\n\nUnited Airlines and Delta Air Lines opened Terminal 7 (later renumbered Terminal 9), a Skidmore design similar to the IAB, in October 1959. It was demolished in 2008.\n\nEastern Airlines opened their Chester L. Churchill-designed Terminal 1 in November 1959. The terminal was demolished in 1995 and replaced with the current Terminal 1.\n\nAmerican Airlines opened Terminal 8 in 1960. It was designed by Kahn and Jacobs and had a 317-foot (97 m) stained-glass façade designed by Robert Sowers, the largest stained-glass installation in the world until 1979. The façade was removed in 2007 as the terminal was demolished to make room for the new Terminal 8; American cited the prohibitive cost of removing the enormous installation.\n\nPan American World Airways opened the Worldport (later Terminal 3) in 1960. It featured a large, elliptical roof suspended by 32 sets of radial posts and cables; the roof extended 114 feet (35 m) beyond the base of the terminal to cover the passenger loading area. It was one of the first airline terminals in the world to feature Jetways that connected to the terminal and that could be moved to provide an easy walkway for passengers from the terminal to a docked aircraft. Jetways replaced the need to have to board the plane outside via airstairs, which descend from an aircraft, via truck-mounted mobile stairs or via wheeled stairs. The Worldport was demolished in 2013.\n\nTrans World Airlines opened the TWA Flight Center in 1962, designed by Eero Saarinen with a distinctive winged-bird shape. With the demise of TWA in 2001, the terminal remained vacant until 2005 when JetBlue Airways and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) financed the construction of a new 26-gate terminal partly encircling the Saarinen building. Called Terminal 5(Now T5), the new terminal opened October 22, 2008. T5 is connected to the Saarinen central building through the original passenger departure-arrival tubes that connected the building to the outlying gates. The original Saarinen terminal, also known as the head house, has since been converted into the TWA Hotel.\n\nNorthwest Airlines, Braniff International, and Northeast Airlines opened a joint terminal in 1962 (now Terminal 2).\n\nNational Airlines opened the Sundrome (now Terminal 6) in 1970. The terminal was designed by I.M.Pei. It was unique for its use of all-glass mullions dividing the window sections, unprecedented at the time. In 2001, United Airlines planned to redevelop this terminal and the TWA Flight Center as a new United terminal. Terminal 6 was used by JetBlue from 2001 through 2008, and then was vacated and demolished when JetBlue moved to Terminal 5.","Heathrow is 14 mi (23 km) west of central London, near the south end of the London Borough of Hillingdon on a parcel of land that is designated part of the Metropolitan Green Belt. The airport is surrounded by the villages of Harlington, Harmondsworth, and Longford to the north and by Hounslow, Cranford and Hatton to the east. To the south lie Feltham, Bedfont and Stanwell while to the west Heathrow is separated from Wraysbury, Horton and Windsor in Berkshire by the M25 motorway. Heathrow falls entirely under the Twickenham postcode area, with the postcode TW6. The airport is located within the Hayes and Harlington parliamentary constituency.\n\nAs the airport is located west of London and as its runways run east-west, an airliner's landing approach is usually directly over the conurbation of London when the wind is from the west, which is most of the time.\n\nAlong with Gatwick, Stansted, Luton, Southend and London City, Heathrow is one of six airports with scheduled services serving the London area.\n\nHeathrow Airport originated in 1929 as a small airfield (Great West Aerodrome) on land south-east of the hamlet of Heathrow from which the airport takes its name. At that time there were farms, market gardens and orchards there: there was a \"Heathrow Farm\" about where the old Terminal 1 was and where Terminal 2 is, a \"Heathrow Hall\" and a \"Heathrow House.\" This hamlet was largely along a country lane (Heathrow Road), which ran roughly along the east and south edges of the present central terminals area.\n\nDevelopment of the whole Heathrow area as a very much larger airport began in 1944. It was stated to be for long-distance military aircraft bound for the Far East. But by the time the airfield was nearing completion, World War II had ended. The government continued to develop the airport as a civil airport. The airport was opened on 25 March 1946 as London Airport and was renamed Heathrow Airport in 1966. The masterplan for the airport was designed by Sir Frederick Gibberd, who designed the original terminals and central area buildings, including the original control tower and the multi-faith chapel of St George's.\n\nHeathrow Airport is used by over 80 airlines flying to 185 destinations in 84 countries. The airport is the primary hub of British Airways and is a base for Virgin Atlantic. It has four passenger terminals (numbered 2 to 5) and a cargo terminal. Of Heathrow's 78 million passengers in 2017, 94% were international travellers; the remaining 6% were bound for (or arriving from) places in the UK. The busiest single destination in passenger numbers is New York, with over 3 million passengers flying between Heathrow and JFK Airport in 2013.\n\nIn the 1950s, Heathrow had six runways, arranged in three pairs at different angles in the shape of a hexagram with the permanent passenger terminal in the middle and the older terminal along the north edge of the field; two of its runways would always be within 30° of the wind direction. As the required length for runways has grown, Heathrow now has only two parallel runways running east-west. These are extended versions of the two east-west runways from the original hexagram. From the air, almost all of the original runways can still be seen, incorporated into the present system of taxiways. North of the northern runway and the former taxiway and aprons, now the site of extensive car parks, is the entrance to the access tunnel and the site of Heathrow's unofficial \"gate guardian\". For many years the home of a 40% scale model of a British Airways Concorde, G-CONC, the site has been occupied by a model of an Emirates Airbus A380 since 2008.\n\nHeathrow Airport has Anglican, Catholic, Free Church, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh chaplains. There is a multi-faith prayer room and counselling room in each terminal, in addition to St. George's Interdenominational Chapel in an underground vault adjacent to the old control tower, where Christian services take place. The chaplains organize and lead prayers at certain times in the prayer room.\n\nThe airport has its own resident press corps, consisting of six photographers and one TV crew, serving all the major newspapers and television stations around the world.\n\nMost of Heathrow's internal roads are initial letter coded by area: N in the north (e.g. Newall Road), E in the east (e.g. Elmdon Road), S in the south (e.g. Stratford Road), W in the west (e.g. Walrus Road), C in the centre (e.g. Camborne Road).","De naam Schiphol komt al voor in een op 11 september 1447 gedateerde, perkamenten brief over grondoverdracht (vier maden lands, liggende in Aelsmerbanne in Sciphol). De oorsprong van de naam staat niet vast, maar zou mogelijk verwijzen naar een moerasachtig stuk land waar men hout (Gotisch: 'scip') kon halen, naar een bedding voor schepen of naar de scheepsrampen die juist in deze noordoostelijke hoek van het Haarlemmermeer (\"scheeps-hel\") veel voorkwamen omdat die lagerwal was bij de meest voorkomende windrichting.\n\nEen andere verklaring die hier enigszins op aansluit wijst op een oud woord 'hol' dat 'graf' betekende. Weer een andere theorie zoekt het bij een woord dat verwant is met 'hal' (en het Engelse \"hall\"), wat juist zou duiden op een toevluchtsoord voor schepen in nood, een veilige haven. Ook kan 'hol' nog duiden op een speciaal aangelegde halfronde dijk in de Haarlemmermeer die er van boven uitzag als een hol. Hierachter konden schepen schuilen tijdens noodweer.\n\n't Schiphol bestond en bestaat uit de Kleine Poel, het Zwarte Pad, het Oeverlandenreservaat en het poldertje van Sloothaak met stadskwekerij. Het gebied behoort waterstaatkundig tot de Buitendijkse Buitenveldertse polder. Na de noordelijke grenssloot, het voormalige fort en het militaire vliegveld draagt nu de nationale luchthaven de naam van dit gebiedje aan de noordoostelijke grens van Aalsmeer: Schiphol. Die naam is dus in de loop der eeuwen enkele kilometers naar het westen verschoven.\n\nIn 1848 werd begonnen met het droogleggen van het Haarlemmermeer, waarmee men in 1852 klaar was. In de noordoostelijke hoek van de nieuwe polder werd ter verdediging het Fort aan het Schiphol gebouwd. Dit fort lag binnen de later aangelegde ring van forten die de Stelling van Amsterdam vormden.\n\nIn april 1916 werd door de minister van Oorlog goedkeuring verleend voor de aankoop van grond in de buurt van het Fort Schiphol om daar een militair vliegveld in te richten, vliegkamp Schiphol. In augustus van dat jaar was het terrein van 16,5 hectare geschikt gemaakt om als vliegveld te dienen en waren vier houten loodsen geplaatst. Op 19 september landden drie vliegtuigen van de LVA op Schiphol, waarmee het vliegterrein in gebruik werd genomen. Het veld bleek al gauw te klein en gedurende de Eerste Wereldoorlog werden aanliggende percelen gevorderd. Aan het einde van de Eerste Wereldoorlog was de oppervlakte van Schiphol toegenomen tot 76 hectare.\n\nToen de Eerste Wereldoorlog voorbij was, ging men al gauw post, vracht en zelfs passagiers vervoeren met enigszins verbouwde en afgedankte oorlogsvliegtuigen. Nederland wilde hier ook aan meedoen, en vooral door het toedoen van luitenant-vlieger Albert Plesman werd in oktober 1919 de Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij voor Nederland en Koloniën N.V. (later KLM) opgericht. Op 17 mei 1920 opende de KLM haar eerste lijndienst: de luchtlijn Amsterdam-Londen. Schiphol deed dienst als landingsplaats voor Amsterdam. Dat jaar waren er 440 passagiers.\n\nIn 1921 werd de accommodatie voor passagiers op Schiphol verbeterd, doordat men de beschikking kreeg over een volledige loods. Er kwamen meer lijndiensten en er kwamen grotere en zwaardere vliegtuigen. Dit leidde af en toe tot problemen, doordat het terrein onvoldoende gedraineerd was, waardoor vliegtuigen vaak uit de modder moesten worden getrokken.\n\nAls militair vliegveld verloor Schiphol aan betekenis, maar voor de burgerluchtvaart werd het vliegveld steeds belangrijker. Op 1 april 1926 werd Schiphol gekocht door de gemeente Amsterdam. De gemeente ging meteen aan de slag: de drainage van het veld en de toegangswegen werden verbeterd. Er werd een betonnen platform aangelegd van 50 bij 100 meter, en op het inmiddels tot 30 hectare gegroeide bebouwde gedeelte werden een stationsgebouw en een verkeerstoren gebouwd.\n\nHet stationsgebouw werd geopend in 1928, op tijd voor de Olympische Spelen van datzelfde jaar in Amsterdam, en in mei 1940 door een bombardement verwoest. Een replica van dit gebouw staat sinds 2005 op Aviodrome te Lelystad.\n\nIn 1935 werd het landingsterrein vergroot tot driemaal de bestaande oppervlakte en in het nu 180 hectare grote terrein werden 200 kilometer drainagebuizen verwerkt. Er kwam een nachtlandingsinstallatie en er kwamen vier asfaltbetonnen landingsbanen.","L'Aeroporto di Milano - Malpensa è un aeroporto intercontinentale italiano situato nella provincia di Varese in Lombardia, in quella parte un tempo provincia di Milano, area dell'Alto Milanese, ed è il principale aeroporto di Milano.\n\nLo scalo è ubicato in provincia di Varese e occupa porzioni del territorio dei comuni di Cardano al Campo, Somma Lombardo, Casorate Sempione, Ferno, Lonate Pozzolo, Samarate e Vizzola Ticino. Il nome deriva dalla vicina corte lombarda di Cascina Malpensa, che è situata a Somma Lombardo. La sua ubicazione all'interno del Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino ha contrassegnato gli sviluppi delle piste e delle infrastrutture correlate.\n\nNel 1909 gli industriali Giovanni Agusta e Gianni Caproni avevano creato presso la cascina Malpensa un campo d'aviazione per far volare i propri prototipi; con l'aggiunta di alcune strutture militari il campo crebbe e divenne anche campo scuola di pilotaggio. Nel 1917 vi operava la locale Sezione Difesa dotata di Savoia-Pomilio SP.2 e dall'aprile 1918 di Savoia-Pomilio SP.3.\n\nDopo la seconda guerra mondiale, il 28 maggio 1948 alcuni industriali e politici della zona, capeggiati dal Cavaliere Benigno Ajroldi, presidente dell'allora Banca Alto Milanese, si fecero carico del ripristino postbellico e ne assunsero la gestione con l'obiettivo di farne nodo di sviluppo per l'industria dell'Altomilanese. La pista di volo, danneggiata dalle truppe tedesche al momento della loro ritirata alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale, venne ripristinata e allungata a 1 800 metri, e l'aeroporto fu dotato di una piccola aerostazione costituita da una baracca in legno. Il 21 novembre 1948, con l'atterraggio di un quadrimotore Breda BZ308 pilotato dall'asso dell'aviazione Mario Stoppani, venne ufficialmente aperto al traffico civile e assunse la denominazione di \"aeroporto Città di Busto Arsizio\".\n\nAlla fine del primo anno d'attività (1949), sull'aeroporto di Malpensa si registrarono in arrivo e in partenza 1 366 velivoli, 12 287 passeggeri e un movimento di merci di 593 tonnellate. Il 2 febbraio 1950, alla presenza dell'ambasciatore degli Stati Uniti d'America in Italia James Dunn, venne effettuato con un Lockheed Constellation della TWA, il primo collegamento aereo diretto con New York. Dal 1949 al 1952 gli aerei assistiti annualmente passarono da 683 a 1.736 e i passeggeri da 11.401 a 56.963. Nel 1952 operavano su Malpensa una decina di compagnie aree straniere, oltre ad Alitalia e LAI, con una dozzina di voli giornalieri in totale.\n\nNella primavera del 1952, il comune di Milano entrò nella Società Aeroporto di Busto fino ad assumerne progressivamente il controllo. Allo stesso tempo lo Stato, con la \"Convenzione del 23 aprile\", affidava per vent'anni la costruzione, l’allestimento e l'agibilità dell'aeroporto, civile e privato, alla società.\n\nIl problema principale per lo sviluppo di Malpensa come scalo aeroportuale milanese restava la distanza (45 chilometri) da Milano. Il progetto di collegamento ferroviario diretto, tramite un raccordo tra Cascina Costa e la linea Milano-Domodossola con corse frequenti ed esclusive, resterà ancora solo sulla carta. Anche per questo, nel 1950 il Comune di Milano decide di mantenere agibile l'aeroporto di Linate, e nel 1954 una commissione tecnica concludeva necessario l'ampliamento del Forlanini come polo per i traffici nazionali e a breve raggio, focalizzando invece sulla Malpensa le rotte intercontinentali.\n\nNel maggio 1955 anche la Provincia di Milano entrò a far parte della compagine societaria e l'assemblea degli azionisti deliberò di modificare la denominazione sociale in Società Esercizi Aeroportuali (SEA) e di trasferire la sede legale da Busto Arsizio a Milano. La gestione di Linate e Malpensa veniva così unificata. Quell'anno Malpensa registrò 4 870 movimenti aerei, 255 126 passeggeri e 3 010 tonnellate di merce. Nel 1957 lo Stato garantiva il consenso alla costruzione della pista di Linate in contemporanea coi lavori per l'ammodernamento di Malpensa, con una concessione trentennale alla SEA che, nel caso di Malpensa, sarebbe stata poi prorogata di altri trent'anni nel 1971 per realizzare l'ampliamento a sud, e di ulteriori trenta nel 1985 per il progetto \"Malpensa 2000\".\n\nA Malpensa il progetto del prof. Francesco Aimone Jelmoni e dell'architetto Vittorio Gandolfi, entrambi del Politecnico di Milano, prevedeva due piste parallele sull'asse nord-sud, di 2.628 (pista ovest) e 3.915 metri (pista est), con un raccordo di rullaggio e un'aerostazione passeggeri sul piazzale di sosta aeromobili. I lavori presero il via il 19 aprile 1958. Il progetto tuttavia, a causa delle ristrettezze finanziarie della società, fu attuato solo parzialmente. Le due piste, entrambe di 2.600 metri, vennero completate entro dicembre 1958.","El Aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas (código IATA: MAD, código OACI: LEMD), llamado hasta 2014 Aeropuerto de Madrid-Barajas, es un aeropuerto español público propiedad de Aena situado en las inmediaciones de la ciudad de Madrid, la capital de España. Es el primer aeropuerto español por tráfico de pasajeros, carga aérea y operaciones, así como el quinto de Europa y vigésimo cuarto del mundo por número de pasajeros.\n\nEl 23 de marzo de 1929 se publicó el pliego de condiciones para la realización de un concurso de elección de los terrenos para desarrollar el aeropuerto civil de Madrid.9El concurso se cerró el 15 de abril y a él se presentaron cuatro propuestas: Carabanchel Alto, Getafe, Vallecas y Barajas, aceptándose finalmente esta última propuesta realizada por Rogelio Sol Mestre. La intención era sustituir a los aeródromos de Alcalá, Carabanchel y Getafe, y para ello se seleccionó una pradera baldía en el noreste de la capital en el entonces municipio de Barajas (que posteriormente fue absorbido por Madrid) de 493 fanegas (unas 320 ha), con buenas comunicaciones con la capital a través de la carretera de Francia (la actual A-2) y en una zona deshabitada y libre de obstáculos. La compra de los terrenos se firmó el 30 de julio de 1930 por un valor de 730 000 pesetas.\n\nEl 23 de julio se convocó un concurso para la redacción del proyecto del nuevo aeropuerto, habiéndose presentado siete proyectos distintos. El jurado del concurso (compuesto por diferentes profesionales civiles y militares) seleccionó la propuesta del ingeniero marqués de los Álamos y del arquitecto Luis Gutiérrez de Soto. Las obras del aeropuerto comenzaron nada más tener disponibles los terrenos, empezando por la habilitación de la zona de aterrizaje y la instalación de un aerofaro de recalada (primera ayuda a la navegación aérea con la que contó el aeropuerto). El 14 de abril de 1930 se autorizó a las compañías CLASSA, CETFA, CASA y CEA a instalarse en el aeropuerto. Se abrió al tráfico aéreo nacional e internacional el 22 de abril de 1931, aunque las operaciones comerciales regulares tardaron dos años en comenzar a realizarse, pues el aeropuerto aún seguía en obras. Junto al campo de vuelos se construyó una pequeña terminal, con una capacidad para 30 000 pasajeros anuales, además de varios hangares y el edificio del Avión Club. El primer director del aeropuerto fue Jacobo Armijo y Fernández de Alarcón.\n\nLa primera línea regular la estableció la compañía Líneas Aéreas Postales Españolas (LAPE) con su línea a Barcelona. En los años 30 empiezan los vuelos internacionales. Al estallar la guerra civil española, LAPE suspende su plan de vuelos. Durante la contienda se realizan servicios bélicos y de transporte civil con París, Barcelona y la zona norte. Una vez terminada la guerra, Barajas recupera su condición de aeropuerto civil, con el aterrizaje el 12 de abril de 1939 de un avión alemán de compañía Lufthansa. El 1 de mayo de 1939, Iberia trasladó sus equipos desde Matacán (Salamanca) a Madrid-Barajas.\n\nOriginalmente, el campo de vuelos era un gran círculo bordeado de blanco con el nombre de Madrid en su interior, sin pavimentar, formado por suelo natural cubierto de hierba. Finalizada la Guerra Civil, se inicia el programa de expansión del aeropuerto en los años 40, con la creación de la sociedad Aeropuertos Transoceánicos Españoles (ATE). Se pavimenta el campo de vuelos y se diseñan nuevas pistas, la primera de las cuales entra en funcionamiento en 1944 (la 15-33) que contaba con 1,4 km de longitud y 48 metros de ancho. Al finalizar la década el aeropuerto tenía tres pistas, ninguna de las cuales existe en la actualidad.",{"credits":12176,"designers":12179,"description":12182},{"text":12177,"title":12178},"\u003Cp>Designed by Cornel Windlin, released by Lineto in 1999. Font engineering and mastering by Alphabet, Berlin.\u003C/p>","Credits",{"text":12180,"title":12181},"\u003Cp>After an internship with Neville Brody’s studio in London, Cornel Windlin (*1964) completed his studies under Hans-Rudolf Lutz at Schule für Gestaltung Lucerne in 1988. He then returned to work for Brody and became art editor at \u003Cem>The Face \u003C/em>magazine in 1990, after which he set up his own practice in London.\u003C/p>\u003Cp>Upon moving to Zurich in 1993, he founded Lineto with Stephan Müller, a long-time friend and early collaborator on type design projects. Five years later, he developed Lineto into a platform for the distribution of fonts. All of Cornel’s designs were primarily produced for use in his own work, including LL Alpha Headline and LL Lutz Headline (both 1992), LL Gravur Condensed (1996), LL Mono (1997/98), LL Autoscape (1998), LL Vectrex and LL supermax (1999).\u003C/p>\u003Cp>In 1999, Cornel created the identity for Schauspielhaus Zürich under Christoph Marthaler. From 2004 to 2008 he defined the look for the \u003Cem>Vitra Home Collection,\u003C/em> and he edited and designed the \u003Cem>Project Vitra\u003C/em> book (2007). With Bice Curiger, he conceived \u003Cem>TATE ETC. \u003C/em>magazine\u003Cem> \u003C/em>and designed 21 issues from 2004 to 2010. From 2008 to 2011, he served on the Swiss Federal Design Commission and presided the jury of the ‘Most Beautiful Swiss Books’ competition.\u003C/p>\u003Cp>After a much-lauded second spell at Schauspielhaus Zürich, Cornel moved his studio to Berlin in 2011, increasingly focusing on the development of Lineto, and on setting up Alphabet, the type engineering company, with Stephan Müller and Andreas Eigendorf. Since 2016, he is based in Zürich where he is running his own studio.\u003C/p>","Cornel Windlin",{"text":12183,"title":12184},"\u003Cp>FF LuggageTag, a modular font based on a grid system and released on the FontFont label, served as the starting point for this set of eight fonts. While FF LuggageTag keeps all the vertical and horizontal grid lines visible, each of the LL Thermo fonts highlights either vertical or horizontal cross-sections.\u003C/p>\u003Cp>The last font in the series, LL Thermo Zero, results in a solid, outlined font with no visible grid interference. LL Thermo Uno, on the other hand, shows all grid lines in use.\u003C/p>","LL Thermo",{"380":12175},{"58":12002},{"55":12063},{"allowRouteUpdates":10,"customRouteHash":41,"consideredRouteHash":41},{"octoSubMenu":41,"isOctoOpen":7,"isOctoHidden":7,"isOctoBlurred":7,"isOctoScrolling":7,"isOctoMenuHidden":7,"isOctoBarOpen":7,"isOctoBarHidden":10,"isOctoBuddyOpen":10,"isOctoPadOpen":7,"isOctoGuiHidden":7,"hasOctoTabs":7,"hasOctoSounds":10,"menuLinks":41,"preventClose":7,"menuDirection":12190,"menuBackRouteName":41,"itemSpacing":41,"fontRatio":41,"animationCounter":41,"hasVisibleItems":7,"visibleSubMenuLines":97,"maxSubMenuLines":97,"scrollableLines":97,"scrollableOffset":97,"currentSubMenuComponent":41,"nextSubMenuComponent":41,"currentBuddyComponent":41,"nextBuddyComponent":41,"octoTabsComponent":41,"octoPadComponent":41,"currentBuddyItems":41,"octoBarGroup":41,"octoBarGroupCount":97,"activeSection":41,"activeSectionLock":97,"searchTerm":41,"searchResults":12191,"isSearchActive":7},"vertical",[]]